Yoon & Yang’s Antitrust & Competition Practice provides services to ensure compliance with antitrust and competition laws and regulations. Recently, the KFTC has expanded the scope of its on-site investigations to referenced companies and the regulatory authority’s investigation methods based on forensics have also become more advanced. To meet the increasingly complex regulatory landscape, it is becoming more important to ensure antitrust and competition compliance. Compliance services that the Practice offers include designing, implementing and monitoring various compliance programs which meet the standards required by the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC), including regular risk assessment, document management and approval process, in particular regarding affiliate transactions and subcontracting transactions.

Key Services

Antitrust and competition-related risk assessment in relation to business structures and operations

  • Interviews of officers and employees
  • Business structures
  • Analysis of risks related to contracts, approval requests, emails, and all other materials


Establishing/amending internal regulations, designing compliance programs, and offering consulting services on their operation, all of which are necessary to comply with the relevant antitrust and competition laws and regulations

Offering education on compliance and investigation response to officers and employees

  • Building the optimal educational materials based on the risks and the needs of the client identified through prior interviews and document analysis
  • Training clients on tricks for responding to investigations through mock on-site investigations


Representative Cases

  • Designed compliance guidelines for a foreign global electronics company
  • Designed subcontracting law compliance guidelines and offered related compliance education for all affiliates of Corporate Group H
  • Offered consulting services and training to Chemical Company H on major issues of the Subcontracting Act and the Framework Act on the Construction Industry related to construction subcontracting
  • Offered antitrust and competition compliance training to Steel Company H
  • Offered compliance training to Company N related to the amended Subcontracting Act
  • Offered compliance training related to a M&A between chemical companies
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for affiliate transactions within Corporate Group S and offered compliance training
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for affiliate transactions involving a newly incorporated affiliate of Corporate Group H
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for affiliate transactions of a financial holding company
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for affiliate transactions within Corporate Group G
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for affiliate transactions within Corporate Group S
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for affiliate transactions within Corporate Group E with respect to the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business, the Fair Agency Transactions Act, etc.
  • Compliance diagnosis and advice for a shipbuilding company’s subcontracting transactions and illegal dispatch of workers