Yoon & Yang’s Customs & International Trade Practice has successfully represented clients in customs-related investigations. Based on its extensive experience and expertise in a wide variety of matters associated with customs investigations and customs audits, our Practice assists companies in identifying customs and international trade-related risks in light of decisions of the Korea Customs Service and in designing and implementing strategies to minimize such risk.

Key Services

Customs audits

  • Pre-audit analysis and diagnosis to help clients prepare for customs audits
  • Responding to the Korea Customs Service’s regular and special customs audits
  • Responding to the Korea Customs Service’s AEO comprehensive audits


Customs investigations

  • Representing and defending clients in investigations regarding smuggling, customs duty evasion, import/export price manipulation, false reporting, illegal importation, illegal customs duty reductions/exemptions, and illegal customs duty refunds


Representative Cases

  • Advised multinational companies and large domestic companies regarding customs audits
  • Represented and defended a large domestic company in customs investigations regarding a potential violation of the Customs Act and the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act
  • Represented and defended a large domestic company in customs investigations regarding potential customs duty evasion through misapplication of tariff quotas
  • Represented and defended a multinational company in customs investigations regarding potential customs duty evasion through omission in customs duty calculation
  • Represented and defended a domestic medical equipment importing company in customs investigation regarding potential price manipulation
  • Represented and defended an import agency in customs investigation regarding potential customs duty evasion and price manipulation