黄载皓 合伙律师
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Jae Ho Hwang is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC, and his main practice areas are litigation and arbitration.
After earning his B.A. in public law at Seoul National University, Mr. Hwang served in various public offices for five years, including as a judicial researcher of the commercial law group at the Supreme Court. As an expert in commercial litigation matters, he has served as a judge at the Suwon District court, Seoul Central District Court and Seoul Bankruptcy Court, and as a presiding judge at the Daejeon District Court. While serving as the judicial researcher at the Supreme Court, Mr. Hwang handled a number of cases involving major domestic conglomerates. He also has handled corporate dispute cases as an assistant judge at the Seoul Central District Court,. During his period as a judge at the Seoul Bankruptcy Court, he has experience handling a wide range of commercial law-related cases including management right disputes, financial and corporate rehabilitation issues.


  • 2024-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2023-24 Presiding Judge, Daejeon District Court
  • 2018-23 Research Judge, Supreme Court
  • 2017 Judge, Seoul Bankruptcy Court
  • 2016 Judge, Seoul Central District court
  • 2012-16 Judge, Suwon District Court
  • 2009-12 Judge, Busan District Court (Dongbu Branch)
  • 2007-09 Judge, Seoul Central District Court
  • 2006-07 Apprentice Judge, Joint Research Judge's Office, Supreme Court
  • 2005-07 Apprentice Judge, Seoul Southern District Court


  • 2017 University of Michigan, Visiting Scholar
  • 2005 Judicial Research and Training Institute
  • 1994 Seoul National University, LL.B.


  • Commentary on Commerical Law: Company 6, Korea Society of Judicial Administration (Co-author, 2021)
  • Practical Manual to Insurance Trials (Co-author)