
- TEL 82 2 6003 7508
- FAX 82 2 6003 7806
- E-MAIL jkchoi@hwawoo.com
JongKu Choi is a special advisor at Yoon & Yang LLC, and he is an expert in finance.
After passing the 25th civil service examination in 1982, Mr. Choi has built expertise in trade and international affairs as director general for the International Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, head of the working group for the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness, standing member of the Financial Services Commission, deputy minister for national economic management (assistant vice minister) of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, chief vice president of the Financial Supervisory Service, representative director of Seoul Guarantee Insurance, president of Korea Eximbank, and chairman of the Financial Services Commission, etc.
After passing the 25th civil service examination in 1982, Mr. Choi has built expertise in trade and international affairs as director general for the International Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, head of the working group for the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness, standing member of the Financial Services Commission, deputy minister for national economic management (assistant vice minister) of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, chief vice president of the Financial Supervisory Service, representative director of Seoul Guarantee Insurance, president of Korea Eximbank, and chairman of the Financial Services Commission, etc.
- 2022-present Yoon & Yang LLC
- 2022-present Chairman of the Board, Yulgok Institute
- 2023-24 President, Committee of the Winter Youth Olympic Games Gangwon 2024
- 2017-19 Chairman, Financial Services Commission
- 2017 President, the Korea Eximbank
- 2016-17 Representative Director, Seoul Guarantee Insurance
- 2013-16 Chief Vice President, Financial Supervisory Service
- 2011-13 Deputy Minister for National Economic Management (Assistant Vice Minister), Ministry of Strategy and Finance
- 2010-11 Standing member, Financial Services Commission
- 2009-10 Head of the Working Group, Presidential Council on National Competitiveness
- 2008-09 Director General for the International Finance Bureau, Ministry of Strategy and Finance
- 1982 Passed 25th Civil Service Examination
- 1992 University of Wisconsin–Madison, M.A. in Public Policy
- 1980 Korea University, B.A. in Trade