郑敏智 劳务师
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  • TEL 82 2 6182 8325
  • FAX 82 2 6003 7027
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Minji Jeong is a certified labor attorney at Yoon & Yang LLC and her main practice area is employment·labor.
Ms. Jeong obtained her B.A. in Linguistics at Korea University and passed the 27th examination for certified labor attorney. She has addressed many labor issues including unfair dismissal, unfair labor practices, application for payment of non-duty allowances that do not satisfy the standards, employment and labor consulting, and investigations of grievances at workplace, etc.


  • 2022-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2021-present Lecturer on prevention of sexual harassment at workplace
  • 2019-22 Insight Labor Law Consulting Firm


  • 2019 Korea University, B.A. in Linguistics
  • Korean and English

  • Certified Labor Attorney, Korea (2018)