Do’s and Don’ts in Construction Arbitration

  • 研讨会/活动
  • 2022.08.17
  • DATE June 29, 2022
  • VENUE www.yoonyang.com
  • CONTACT Yoon & Yang
  • REGISTRATION PERIOD 2022.06.29 ~ 2022.06.29

Korean construction & engineering companies have faced more and more disputes in Middle East countries since their long history expansion to the overseas market, however, their understanding of international construction disputes remain superficial. Arbitration procedures in Middle East are still complex and need cautious and strategic approach.
On June 29, 2022, Yoon & Yang hosted a webinar examining the practical aspects of construction arbitration, which was a great opportunity to look at the ways to maximize cost and time efficiency in construction arbitration.
Under the subject of “Do’s and Don’ts in Construction Arbitration,” Yoon & Yang’s Yonsoo Kim (Senior Foreign Attorney) introduced the step-by-step considerations from the bidding stage to the contacting, constructing, and claim filing stages at the international construction arbitration procedures.
Under the subject of “Constitution of the Tribunal in Construction Arbitration: Do’s and Don’ts,” Yoon & Yang’s Munjeong Kyung (Partner) presented on the practical advice on how to form the arbitral tribunal and how to select the arbitrators during the construction arbitration.
In addition, Jane Davies Evans (3 Verulam Buildings), who is a renowned commercial arbitration practitioner and was a vice/co-chair of the IBA International Construction Projects dispute resolution subcommittee, shared her experience in international construction arbitration such as how to efficiently present written advocacy.
From a practical perspective, Marion Smith (39 Essex Chambers) introduced her experience regarding how to efficiently present the documents and witnesses in a construction arbitration. And Mark Wheeler (Diales) has also provided in-depth analyses on expert witness. They shared examples of efficient measures that Korean companies can take in the future construction arbitration.

This webinar was part of a Yoon & Yang Round Table Discussion co-hosted by KCAB International and was participated by more than 70 in-house counsels, professionals from 49 companies.