In-House Community e-Congress Vietnam 2020

  • 研讨会/活动
  • 2022.08.12

From September 8 to September 10, 2020, Yoon & Yang LLC will participate in In-House Community e-Congress Vietnam 2020, an international legal conference hosted by Pacific Business Press, as speakers of the workshop session and a panelist of the panel discussion session. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held virtually involving online presentations and discussions.

On September 8, Ji Hoon Cha, Yoon & Yang’s partner and the head of Southeast Asia Practice, and Ha Thi Tinh, a Vietnamese attorney in Hanoi office, will present at the workshop session on ‘Debt Financing: Structure and Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Loans.’ On September 10, Zunu Lee, a partner who served as the former head of the Southeast Asia Team at Yoon & Yang and the founding director of the firm’s Vietnam Office, will attend as a panelist in the panel discussion session on the topic of ‘What do law firms need to improve?’