Jong-moon Choi and Yonsoo Kim participated as speakers for the UAE-Saudi Arabia Investment Environment and Potential Industry Forum

  • 和友消息
  • 2023.03.21

On March 21st, Mr. Junsang Lee (Managing Partner), Mr. Jong-moon Choi (Senior Advisor / former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs), and Ms. Yonsoo Kim (Senior Foreign Attorney) were invited to speak at the “UAE-Saudi Arabia Investment Environment and Potential Industry Forum” that was held at the Trade Tower in Gangnam-gu, Seoul.


Mr. Lee gave the welcoming remarks and Mr. Choi was the keynote speaker, and Ms. Kim presented on the theme of “Strategy for Participation in Saudi Arabia’s Naom City Development Project and Review of Relevant Laws” and “UAE’s Imposition of Tax on Newly Established Corporations and Procedures for Establishment of Corporation.”


For the purpose of sharing information on the development projects underway in Saudi Arabia and UAE as well as legal knowledge on ways to tap into the relevant countries, Yoon & Yang LLC jointly held this Forum with the Korea International Trade Association (KITA), the Korea-Arab Society and the Saudi Arabia & UAE Embassies in Korea.
