Yoon & Yang’s Intellectual Property practice Top-ranked in All Areas in ALB IP Rankings 2018

  • 和友消息
  • 2018.05.04
Intellectual Property Practice Group of Yoon & Yang LLC has been ranked as a “Tier 1” (top tier) law firm in South Korea in all practice areas: Patents and Copyright/Trademark by Asian Legal Business.

Asian Legal Business (ALB), a legal publication affiliated with Thomson Reuters, annually announces the strongest IP law firms by country and publishes the ranking in its cover story.

Yoon & Yang’s Intellectual Property Practice Group is comprised of 16 partners and patent attorneys and is widely recognized in Korea as one of the most respected IP litigation practices in Korea. The Practice Group provides clients a full range of legal services including patents, copyrights, trademark, trade secrets, privacy and e-commerce.
ALB IP Ranking 2018
Practice Areas